SASSA sRD Reapplication for r350

Have you applied for the SASSA SRD R350 Payment? Due to some reason, your application was rejected.

Then there is no issue as Sassa is now giving its recipient an amazing opportunity for all those disappointed people whose applications were not approved at first go can now reapply for an SASSA SRD R350 status check.

SASSA srd Reapplication Online for R350

This article will provide you with the full and all the necessary details about the SASSA reapplication Procedure. You can also check your Sassa Status Online. 

SASSA SRD R350 Grant Reapplication Process

Now, suppose you want to spend a carefree life and want to receive a monthly stipend from the SASSA Grant Payment. In that case, You must learn the Sassa reconsideration procedure for the Social Relief Distress Grant to start receiving the R350 payment.


Paseka Letsatsi, the head of the communication committee of Sassa, said that Filing for SASSA reconsideration/reapplication is similar to filling for the new R350 application and is now required.

  • Firstly, you have to visit the official site of Sassa reapplication: SASSA Appeal
  • Then you need to enter your Mobile number and South African ID number if asked.
  • After that, you will receive a one-time password(OTP).
  • The OTP you receive should be entered here,
  • Then, Enter all the details they asked for (including the payment method)
  • Now your form is fully established for Sassa srd reapplication, Submit your form Online.

R350 Grant Reapplication via WhatsApp

  • Kindly message 082 046 8553 on WhatsApp.
  • Give personal information when the chat asks you to.
  • A reference number, an OTP number, and a website URL that needs to be clicked will be sent to you.
  • After selecting the link, enter the OTP and hit “Verify.”
  • Give your ID number and last name.
  • Verify the information according to what was said in the chat.
  • You still accept these terms and conditions.

 SASSA Reapplication Via Official Center

Follow the steps to register for Sassa reapplication through their Office:

  • Visit to your nearest Sassa Office.
  • Take all the essential documents with you, such as your South African Identity card and other related documents, as proof of your eligibility.
  • Then, go to the concerned desk for the reapplication form.
  • In the form, fill in all the information correctly, attach the documents, and submit it.

Now, you have to wait for the outcome of your Sassa reapplication for 90 days; meanwhile, you should not stop checking your SASSA Online Status.

Remember this!

All the SASSA Social Grants can be reapplied to accept a few, such as the Old Age grant. If you are not sure that you should apply for the SASSA SRD reapplication, then you should not hesitate to contact their Help and Support team as they can guide you in a better way:

Sassa Reapplication Status Check

After applying for SASSA SRD R350 reapplication, you must now track your Sassa Status Check from the link button provided below to verify if your application was accepted or rejected.

Now, the Procedure is similar to the Sassa Status check, which is described as 

  • Once you submit your application, you need to wait till 90 days.
  • Within these days, you have to check your SASSA status so that you can receive all the updates.
  • If your status is not showing Sassa Status Pending, you should approach the SASSA appeal for srd 350.
  • You can tell them about the technical issue in your result so they can reinstate it quickly.
sassa reapplication grant status check

What are the reasons for SASSA Reapplication?

Identity Verification Failed:

This issue can be resolved if the information you are providing in the Sassa Reapplication form is not similar to the data that the Department of Home Affairs already holds.

Age Outside Range (>60): 

You are above the age of 60 and do not meet the age limit during the review period.

Age Outside of Range (18): 

You are under the age of 18 and do not meet the age requirement during the reconsideration period.

UIF Registered: 

You received Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) payments during the review period.

Bank Balance Limit: 

When you apply for the Sassa reapplication, your bank balance during the time of reconsideration should be less than R624.

NSFAS Funds Received: 

You received financial aid from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) during the reconsideration period.

Aid From Other Social Grants Registered:

If you applied for another SASSA Social Grant during your reconsideration period can also cause your application to be rejected.

Sassa Reapplication Result

SASSA Reconsideration Result Pending and approval

Sassa srd reapplication result can be different depending on your eligibility criteria; the outcome of your application after 90 days can be 

  • SASSA SRD reapplication pending
  • SASSA Reconsideration Approved.

SASSA SRD reapplication pending

This status can create a sense of anxiety in the minds of applicants. Still, this status declares that the Sassa official agency has received your application. Still, they can not conclude your application. 

This error can be due to the lack of consent you provide in your application or incorrect information about personal assets would be entered.

To sort out this issue, you can check the SASSA SRD status pending.

SASSA Reconsideration Approved.

This piece of information could be the greatest news for all the Sassa poor applicants as their SASSA reapplication is now approved, and they can receive their monthly Payment from the same month.

To check the payday of your Sassa SRD or other grants, go to the payment dates page. Your payday is the same as for other applicants.


The SASSA SRD R350 stipend has been a vital financial support system for many South African people and families facing economic difficulties. For those whose circumstances have changed or whose initial applications were denied, the reapplication process is critical. Applicants can successfully finish the process by knowing the qualifying criteria and following the shortened reapplication steps.